Monday 11 July 2011

First day at the Autism Centre

Today was my first day of placement.  It was a very eventful weekend (to be explained later), and it was difficult to get up early today.  But the excitement of starting my placement provided me with fuel.  It took about an hour to get to the Autism Centre - walking through the market to the tro station, taking the tro across town, and then walking through the town.  I was to observe and not stay for long today.  The Autism Centre was started by a woman whose child has autism when she realized that there was nowhere to go for help.  Many people began bringing their children to her and she began renting a building.  Because we had a VERY strenuous day yesterday, and since it was my first day at placement, I was told that I would be able to leave early.  I was to observe for awhile today, and then tomorrow I will be discussing ideas for programs or jobs that I can do while I am there.  I was placed with the preschoolers, and as I walked into the class they were having "music time".  How perfect for me right?  I knew most of the songs so I joined in singing and dancing while I observed (wheels on the bus, baah baah black sheep, shake my sillies out, etc.).  Some of the children started interacting with me immediately.  There was one volunteer/worker with each child at this point.  

After music time we moved on to "number time", "academics", and then "snack time".  As time passed, the volunteers seemed to be disappearing until I ended up just starting to help some of the kids with the number activities.  One of the kids counted to two for the first time!!!!  Luckily his mom was there to see it.  Eventually, one of the boys became anxious for snack time and was getting very upset.  When it was finally snack time, he began to have a tantrum and was holding my hands.  I was leading him to the sink to wash his hands and he began trying to scratch and bite people.  I was having decent luck consoling him, and very good luck getting him to wash his hands, when the volunteer who had been working with him earlier came.  The boy got upset and bit him. The volunteer laughed and said luckily it didn't break the skin.  Good thing I got my rabies vaccinations.  As we led the boy back for snack time, we noticed another boy peeing on the floor, and one boy taking other people's food.  So the volunteer went to get a mop.  All of a sudden I was alone with four kids who all needed to stop what they were doing.  Observing means something different here :).  Luckily, things got sorted out soon enough, and it was already time for me to leave - or so I thought.  As I was leaving, a young woman hissed at me and gave the hand signal for me to come to her (hissing also means come).  I walked back and she wanted to show me something.  She helped me wash off the mud from my feet and legs from the journey there and told me that I need to always look my best because "you never know when you will meet Mr. Right".  I just laughed really hard and thanked her.  I got slightly lost on my way home because it was different from the route on the way there, I got a couple marriage proposals, avoided a few mishaps, and then successfully made it back home from my first day.  Every time you go somewhere, there is a new obstacle course to master.  Today's was muddy.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Music - a universal language

Khiera and I met these two school girls in the back of the tro on our ride to the nearby town Osu.  The girl in the middle is studying music, and specifically voice, so we asked her to sing us a song.  Like anywhere else, she got a bit flustered and had a hard time suggesting a song.  So I used my super music therapy skills and asked what type of music she likes, zeroing in on a song I thought she might know.  She did!  That's how we ended up singing "Here I am to Worship" in the back of a tro.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

"Me din de Afia" (My name is Afia)

It’s starting to feel real here now.  For the past four days I’ve felt caught in one of the crazy ‘malarone dreams’ from my malaria medication – but now Ghana, with all its charm and challenges, is truly coming to life.  I’m in a house with about 10 other volunteers, and some Ghanaian staff members.  The people I am getting to know the most right now are three francophone med students from Ottawa (this is because we are doing our orientation week together).  When I say med students, I really mean super-med students.  They are really some of the most astounding people I’ve ever met!  Orientation week has consisted of cultural and language training, along with traveling around to local areas to learn how to get around, and to interact properly.  The other people in the house are also amazing.  I think it takes a certain amount of nerve to do this sort of thing, and I wildly respect the people around me for this.  I tend to leap into things wholeheartedly without thinking them out, and then not giving myself time to be afraid.  By the time I was afraid, it was too late.     

Some of the things we’ve learned:   
  • Twi Alphabet (one of the local languages):  ABCDEƐFGHIKLMNOƆPRTUWY   (The pronunciations of the letters are closer to French than English)
  • You don’t do anything with your left hand here – it is extremely rude.
  • Bargaining: People will do anything to get you to buy their wares…even give you something for ‘free’, or make a bracelet with your name on it, or say that it is the only way they will be able to feed their children, follow you, etc.  Generally half the price is a fair price to pay.
  • Many Ghanaian people’s names are from the day of the week that they were born (soul names), and there are male and female versions of these.  There are also temperaments/ personality traits that go along with these.  These names are meant to convey a sense of familiarity due to the communal nature of the culture.  You already know something about the person when you first meet them.
Twi Girl’s name
Twi Boy’s Name
Ama Kwame

Characteristics of Each Day

  • Monday's child is the father or mother in the family; nurturing in nature, dependable and organized, and protective of his/her family.
  • Tuesday's child is the problem solver and planner of the family. They are structured in nature, neutral in all matters and never takes sides.
  • Wednesday's child is fully in control of every situation, does not want to be told what to do, knows it all, is spontaneous, vibrant and cordial. Be sure not to cross his or her path, though...
  • Thursday's child is quiet in nature and incredibly observant. They are generally listeners, not talkers, and analyzes situations very well.
  • Friday's child is a leader, not a follower. He/she is very temperamental but has a big heart. Generally the instigator of everything.
  • Saturday's child likes to take control of family situations. He/she runs the show and make the rules, but will go out of his/her way for others any time.
  • Sunday's child is the passive, sensitive and warm member of the family. He/she tends to be shy and likes to keep to his/her self, but is very aware of his/her surroundings and usually is the secret keeper of the family.

It is about more than having to live without some of the comforts we’re used to here.  It’s also about having to adopt the customs and culture around us – but not completely.  We cannot oppose the customs and laws if they contradict our beliefs.  But we also cannot accept things exactly as they are.  Women are viewed as property here, belonging to their husbands.  Children are caned here when they misbehave at school.  Traffic is notoriously chaotic.  What can I possibly do to help?  I can’t change anything, but I can influence some people’s lives as well as my own.  I can experience life in such a different way while I’m here – I can try to carry things on my head like the locals and get laughed at, I can try to speak Twi and get laughed at, or I can do anything else and go anywhere and get laughed at.  I have certainly learned a lot - especially that white people, or “Obruni”, are hilarious.

Climbing to the top (of the lighthouse)

In the half empty trotro

Obruni! Obruni! Picture!

Most people are excited to see us and they call us "Obruni"/ white person.  They laugh and smile and wave.  The woman are not really interested, but the children can't believe we're real, and the men look us completely up and down unreservedly.  While we were on a tro (van taxi vehicle), we saw the first other white person so far, and they all said it was my father....but he was old so I said "no no, that's my GRANDfather".  They all laughed...because everything I do is funny and strange anyway.

From a Golden City to a Golden Coast

I started my adventure in the wrong line at the airport.  But being in the wrong line allowed me to meet a 100 year old woman who was on her way back to her birthplace - Mississippi.  Hopefully the rest of my adventure and all its mishaps will also lead to similarly wonderful discoveries.  Maybe I will stop asking myself "Why did I decide to do this again?!?", and at some point feel certain that it was a great decision. If I don't get any strange diseases or fall into other disastrous scenarios, it will be much easier to determine whether or not this was a good idea after all...

Enroute to another continent...practically another world

view of Jamestown from the top of a lighthouse

People live in this lighthouse on the coast of Jamestown

view of Ghana